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Opening doors through education.

Teachers are the front line creators of learning environments. By staying current with research on productive learning mindsets—and conducting their own—teachers ensure that students realize their full potential.

FPI facilitates action research by teachers, whereby they test hypotheses about their own methods and educational environments. A case in point is current research by Megan Faurot, science department chair and biology teacher at the Young Women’s Leadership Charter School of Chicago. Megan expects that her students may better envision themselves one day in a scientific or technical career if they have first-hand exposure to the labs and projects of practicing scientists. She arranged opportunities for her students to spend several Saturdays in the labs of Northwestern University scientists. FPI is assisting with before-and-after measurement of the students’ mindsets concerning science and math interest, gender and opportunity. Of particular interest are student’s implicit mindsets, ones that operate outside of conscious awareness and immediate control.


Fred Smyth (Director of FPI) with YWLCS science teachers


FPI educates about research concerning the development and influence of implicit mindsets, especially when there are implications for educational and career achievement. Here are a few summaries of key findings from this rapidly accumulating literature:

Orchestrating Impartiality: The Impact of “Blind” Auditions on Female Musicians.

Implicit stereotypes, gender identification, and math-related outcomes: A prospective study of female college students.

Seeing is believing: Exposure to counterstereotypic women leaders and its effect on the malleability of automatic gender stereotyping.