Welcome to Project Implicit! 

We are a non-profit organization and international, collaborative network of researchers investigating implicit social cognition, or thoughts and feelings that are largely outside of conscious awareness and control. Project Implicit is the product of a team of scientists whose research produced new ways of understanding attitudes, stereotypes, and other hidden biases that influence perception, judgment, and behavior. Our researchers and collaborators translate that academic research into practical applications for addressing diversity, improving decision-making, and increasing the likelihood that practices are aligned with personal and organizational values. To support the organization’s research and educational mission, we also offer research support, education sessions, and (coming very soon!!) a membership and cohort-based learning program.

If you’d like to stay in touch with the Project Implicit Team and its affiliated researchers, we invite you to sign up for our email list.

What is implicit bias?

Implicit bias is an automatic reaction we have towards other people. These attitudes and stereotypes can negatively impact our understanding, actions, and decision-making. The idea that we can hold prejudices we don’t want or believe was quite radical when it was first introduced, and the fact that people may discriminate unintentionally continues to have implications for understanding disparities in so many aspects of society, including but not limited to health care, policing, and education, as well as organizational practices like hiring and promotion.

26 Million
Implicit Association Tests Completed

Research Studies

Peer-Reviewed Papers

Education Sessions

Project Implicit Research

Register or log into the research website as a volunteer participant, and you will be provided information about a novel study. Most studies take less than 15 minutes to complete. Your participation helps researchers around the world learn about biases, attitudes, and stereotypes. NOTE: Participants do not pay a fee or receive compensation for participating in the research studies.

Education Services

Project Implicit offers virtual and on-site education sessions and other learning programs that explore evidence-based strategies to mitigate the impact of negative or unwanted biases, attitudes, and stereotypes on decision-making. Sessions are offered in three formats, and content can be tailored to a specific audience, industry, learning objective, or topic of interest.

Programming Services

Researchers can work with a Project Implicit programmer to build an online research study incorporating implicit measures, like the Implicit Association Test, as well as other behavioral science tools, demographic questionnaires, and explicit measures. Researchers are provided a private link that can be privately or publicly distributed to participants for data collection.

Bayeté Ross Smith Collaboration

Project Implicit is pleased to announce a collaboration with interdisciplinary artist and activist Bayeté Ross Smith. We have collaborated with Bayeté to create two new Implicit Association Tests based on the Race Attitudes IAT and Race Weapons IAT using images from his “Our Kind of People" photo collection.

The Perception Institute Collaboration

Project Implicit is excited to introduce a collaboration with The Perception Institute on its Hair Implicit Association Test (IAT), focusing on Black women’s hair. This IAT aims to measure the strength of associations between Black women’s hair and potential stereotypes.

By taking this test, you can gain insights into your implicit attitudes toward Black women’s hair and the associations you may hold. We encourage you to participate, explore potential implicit biases, and develop a deeper understanding of societal perceptions.

Special Olympics Collaboration

Project Implicit is excited to introduce a collaboration with the Special Olympics on a new Implicit Association Test, the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities IAT.  This IAT is intended to measure the strength of associations between Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities related concepts (e.g. “Developmental Delay”, “Typical Development”) and positive or negative evaluations (e.g., “Worthy”, “Incompetent”).

We encourage you to take a test to learn more about what associations you may have and to use this test as a springboard for conversations around biases and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

We'd love to work with you!
Schedule a call with the Project Implicit team to discuss your research, consulting, or education project.