The Yin and Yang of Social Cognition: 

Perspectives on the Social Psychology of Thought Systems


(Edited by John T. Jost, Mahzarin R. Banaji, & Deborah Prentice)



I.  Introductory chapter


II.  Attitudes, persuasion, and social influence


Richard E. Petty, Zakary L. Tormala, & Derek Rucker, Ohio State University

An Attitude Strength Perspective on Resistance to Persuasion


Shelly Chaiken, New York University

Reception and Yielding in Social Cognition and Persuasion


Reid Hastie & Katherine A. Rawson, University of Colorado

Dynamic Networks and Other Thought Systems


Deborah Prentice, Princeton University

Values and Evaluations


III.  Information processing, affect, and behavior


John Cacioppo, University of Chicago

Asymmetries in Affect-Laden Information Processing


Robert S. Wyer, University of Illinois

The Cognitive Organization and Use of General Knowledge


Shulamith Kreitler, Tel-Aviv University

The Cognitive Guidance of Behavior


Mahzarin R. Banaji, Yale University

The Opposite of a Great Truth is also True: Reflections on Implicit Social Cognition


IV.  Language and the self-concept


Gün Semin, Free University of Amsterdam

The Language of Self and Others in Contexts


Curtis Hardin, UCLA 

On the Pursuit of Self-Contradictions in Self-Theory


V.  Stereotyping, prejudice, and intergroup relations in society


Willem Doise, University of Geneva

Societal Psychology: New Challenges and Lessons from the Past


György Hunyady, Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest

Social Stereotypes and “Implicit Social Theory”


Alice Eagly, Northwestern University

The Common-Sense Psychology of Changing Social Groups


John T. Jost, Stanford University

A Perspectivist Looks at the Past, Present, and (Perhaps) the Future of Intergroup Relations: A Quixotic Defense of System Justification Theory


VI.  Political communication and mass media


David Sears, UCLA

Continuities and Contrasts in American Racial Politics


Shanto Iyengar, Stanford University

Engineering Consent: The Renaissance of Mass Communications Research in Politics


VII.  Theory and meta-theory in social psychological science


Phoebe C. Ellsworth, University of Michigan

Clapping with Both Hands: Numbers, People, and Simultaneous Hypotheses


Anthony G. Greenwald, University of Washington

The Resting Parrot, the Dessert Stomach, and Other Perfectly Defensible Theories


Norman H. Anderson, University of California, San Diego

Unified Theory


E. Tory Higgins, Columbia University

The Eighth Koan of Progress in Social Psychology:

A Variable Annointed as “Special” Will Demand Special Treatment


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